Accelerate Change Program

Accelerate Change Program

Enhancing Your Effectiveness to Lead and Navigate Change

Navigate Change


percent of organizations that expect more change initiatives over the next few years. (1)


of change programs that fail to meet their goals. (2)

Today’s organizations are not prepared for proactive complex change. As a result, there is a gap between the pace of change in the external environment and the accelerated pace of change required to stay ahead at most companies. Therefore, the need of having appropriate accelerated change program is on the rise.

Download the Accelerate Change Playbook now

Change is the new constant

A shift from discrete to continuous and dynamic change

Here are reasons why organizational change management needed:

Discrete Change

Change in leadership and New systems or processes. 

Complex Organizational Change

Restructuring, Downsizing, New ways of working, Change in strategy, M&A.

Organizational Transformation

Digital transformation, Business transformation, Functional transformation (e.g., HR or IT).

About LHH’s Accelerate Change program

LHH has established an Accelerating Change Practice that has two concurrent pathways—a Leader Program and an Employee Program, assuring that the entire organization is fully trained and ready for change.

Leader Program—ensures leaders have the right understanding, approach, and tools to guide their teams through continuous change

Employee Program—ensures employees become emotionally resilient to embrace continuous change

Value to Organization

  • Increase business effectiveness and remain competitive in the marketplace
  • Lead and navigate change using practical, actionable, sustainable, and customizable frameworks and tools
  • Support in building resilience capability across organization
  • Shorten the duration and depth of productivity dips
  • Enhancing change implementation
  • Maintain engagement and productivity throughout transition and organizational change

LHH’s Accelerate Change Case Study Summary

Clients: Major Financial Services

Change Situation

  • Rapid Growth Through Acquisition.
  • Project Team responsible for leading or supporting specific change initiatives in the organization.


  • Utilized internal bandwidth to increase training delivery options and manage costs.
  • Supported specific change project teams in the launch of their change initiative and driving the change in the organization.

Clients: Insurance Company

Change Situation

New systems, New Leader, HR Transformation


  • Build global capability to deliver change management in the US and Germany.
  • Increased ability to deliver ongoing change management training.
  • Utilized LHH to deliver in Spain and Australia to intact teams

Clients: Global Pharmaceutical Company

Change Situation

Build change competency within the company for all employees globally


Selected as global Change Management provider for enterprise wide Corporate Learning and Leadership curriculum

Speak To Our Experts or Download Accelerate Change Playbook for FREE now

(1) Gartner Insights

(2) McKinsey Insights

To learn more about how we can help
you achieve your goals, contact us now.

This service is a part of

Change Management

Shift mindsets and develop capabilities to accelerate the results of change and transformation.