Coaching Practice – LP



Scalable coaching solutions throughout all levels of your organization to elevate

and accelerate performance. LHH offers Executive Coaching, Performance Coaching

and ICF certified Coaching Skills Development


We Offer

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

What do 89% of the World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands Have in Common?

They trust LHH with their Leadership Development.
And by far, the most popular and effective Leadership Development service we provide them is Executive Coaching. Below, we invite you to learn why these Valuable Brands continue to trust us with their Executive Coaching.

Executive Coaching Has Business Impact

“Regular coaching will improve productivity, employee engagement, retention, employee development, and supervisor performance.”

How Developing a Coaching Culture Pays Off: Dramatically Improve Your Organization

by Dr. Jack Zenger and Dr. Joe Folkman

Your number one priority as a business leader and decision maker is to develop a company that can withstand the constantly changing market – both today, and in the future.
Enter the benefits of Executive Coaching. Reports are now finding that when you invest in high-quality Executive Coaching for your leadership, you get a company that has:

  • Higher Performance
  • More Productivity
  • Greater Retention
  • More Committed Employees, and
  • A Deeper Leadership Pipeline.
Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching

Achieve and sustain optimal team performance.

Lee Hecht Harrison’s Performance Coaching is a unique approach to working with teams that ensures top performance. The goal of Performance Coaching is improved effectiveness at the team level. Our approach to Performance Coaching is the combination of a unique model and coaching methodology to ensure team alignment for optimal performance.

Service benefits:

  • Enhances the focus, alignment and commitment of teams to achieve optimal performance
  • Stimulates team member engagement and commitment
  • Promotes shared responsibility and accountability for team results
  • Creates capacity to quickly orient and assimilate new members to maintain and accelerate momentum
Coaching Skills Development

Coaching Skills Development

At Lee Hecht Harrison we develop your internal coaching capabilities so your people can excel. And if your people excel, so does your business. We can help identify the coaching skills gaps and develop your capabilities so that you can build a highly engaged, successful workforce.

Here are 3 ways we can help you develop your internal coaching capabilities:

1. Coaching Conversations

Over 1.5 days we equip managers with the fundamental skills needed to hold coaching conversations that help develop a more action-orientated and positive culture. Achieving an accredited 9-hours of ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) your people will increase their competence and confidence in managing coaching conversations.

2. Coaching Practices for Leaders

Suitable for organisations that want to build an internal capability with advanced coaching skills. Over 3 days we will fine-tune your leaders coaching capabilities. Strengthening their coaching skills will develop their influencing and leadership style. Achieving an accredited 18-hours of ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH), the program includes:

  • Interactive learning sessions
  • Mentor coaching with an LHH Master Coach
  • Group coaching circles
  • Follow-up sessions to reinforce learning

3. Coach the Coach – with ICF recogniton

Over the course of 6-months we will provide a strong foundation for your managers at all levels to become ICF certified coaches. With a consistent coaching model you can create a dedicated pool of coaches that will develop expertise, consistency and flexibility in your leaders that will take your business to the next level. Achieving an accredited 60-hours of ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH), the programme includes:

  • Access to LHH’s online Coaching Portal
  • 5 days of interactive ‘coach-the-coach’ training workshops.
  • 1:1 mentor coaching sessions with a Master Coach over a 6 month period.
  • 3:1 coaching circles with a Master Coach over 6 months.

Whatever your need there a number of benefits that developing your coaching capabilities can bring:

  • Increased engagement, goal-driven behaviours and team performance.
  • Sustainable new behaviours in your leaders and their teams.
  • A successful coaching culture tailored to your business.
  • A range of coaching styles that fit development needs.
  • Increased competitive advantage with a more engaged workforce

For more information

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