Organizational Development


Organizational Development

LHH’s Organizational Development simplifies the most difficult workforce transformation
challenges into discrete and executable pieces. Our advisors bring insights based on research,
data, and analytics to advise on critical factors like talent architecture, future skills and capabilities,
culture, and the best approaches to leadership development.

Organizational Transformation

Organizational Transformation

Cultural Transformation

Sustainable cultural transformation requires a whole system approach that aligns individual and collective mindsets and behaviours, leadership role modelling, capabilities and formal systems and mechanisms.

LHH methodology includes a robust set of diagnostic tools, a robust strategy and planning process.  We engage senior leaders to translate diagnostic insights into a defined set of culture and behavioural shifts to enable sustainable performance improvement. And finally design and deliver a set of experiential workshops that facilitate a broader cadre of leaders, influencers and employees to transform themselves (their mindsets, skillsets and practices), and the organizational system (systems, processes, and work methods). 

Leadership Transformation

LHH leadership transformation is a blended approach and learning journey to build leader’s capabilities to lead successful company transformation. The program is designed to use training, coaching and facilitation methodology to embed the participants with their learning journey. The coaching will be a heart of the program, especially for C-suite level.

Workforce Planning

LHH Workforce Planning will help to analyse the current workforce, determining future workforce needs, identifying the gap between the present and the future, and implementing solutions so that an organisation can accomplish its mission, goals, and strategic plan.

HR System Readiness

HR System Readiness

HR Audit

HR Audit is a tool for evaluating the HR activities within an organization. It clearly investigates the current policies, procedures, and practices covered under current HRM system. It is the first step in proactively identifying improvement opportunities.
We visit your premises and gather information through interviews, questionnaires, review, research and observation. After detailed analysis of the information, we propose recommendations for a practical improvement plan on how the function might better assist your organisation in meeting its business objectives.

  • Objective and independent.
  • Improves the professional image of the HR department.
  • Identifies weaknesses in the current HR system.
  • Clarifies duties and responsibilities.
  • Increases “buy-in” to change.
  • Standardises HR policies and practices.
  • Identifies critical personnel problems.
  • Identifies organisational needs for future growth.
  • Provides a plan for future HR development.
  • Ensures compliance with legal requirements.
  • Reduces HR costs.
Who we serve
  • Small and medium size enterprises (SME’s).
  • Fast growth organisations
  • Organisations that have limited HR capability.
  • Organisations preparing for expansion.
  • Organisations undergoing change.

Competency Framework

A competency framework is a clear matrix of behaviours required for success at all levels within the organisation. Competencies are defined in the same way across the whole organisation with staff assessed against defined and agreed standards.

We assist you to design a transparent competency framework that reflects your organisation’s culture and expectations of employees. We also work with you to communicate and implement the framework, whilst coaching managers to understand and utilize the framework.

  • Improves consistency in how people are treated.
  • Improves communication of expectations.
  • Improves stakeholder relationships.
  • Establishes high standards of quality.
  • Focuses the development of people towards the correct competencies.
  • Translates the organisation’s values and culture into everyday action.
Who we serve
  • Organisations that do not have a competency framework.
Workforce Capabilities

Workforce Capabilities

HR Coaching

HR Coaching offers an array of developmental coaching solutions, especially in HR fields applying a consistent yet adaptable coaching process to meet unique needs of the individual and the organization. It helps HR upgrade themselves in functional skills, learn HR best practices on the job, contribute Company Transformation and change, help increase the HR resilience & Personal Brand and discuss on Career Development with a Coach.

Career Development

Our career development solutions give your employees more control over their future, make it easier for managers to retain talent, and can improve your reputation as an employer. The solutions deliver results quickly with on-line resources.
It helps to reduce turnover in critical talent segments/groups, enhanced individual development planning process, communicate new career paths, comp. models, roles, increase career coaching skills of leaders, managers, and front-line supervisors and address career concerns during times of uncertainly and change

Training Needs Analysis

A detailed training needs analysis (TNA) will ensure that any training you provide is in line with your company’s goals and strategy for future growth. It will also identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes which individuals require to meet their own and their organisation’s development.
A thorough TNA will investigate key priorities and performance goals, eliminate obstacles to training, identify gaps in competence and provide solutions. In addition, a TNA will ensure relevance of training content, transfer of learning and evaluation of training.
The outcome will be a comprehensive and targeted training plan with specific learning objectives and evaluation criteria that supports business strategy, goals and objectives.

Assessment/Development Centre

The Development Center is based on job related simulations or mock situations. Candidates are asked to complete a number of tailor-made exercises that mimic the specific requirements of the role. Exercises could include group and individual tasks and/or analytical exercises. The process defines development priorities and builds realistic plans to achieve them. Development Centres have been proven to be the most effective way of identifying development needs.
We assist you with the development of tailor-made activities that effectively assess your candidate’s skills and behaviours. Candidates are evaluated by our assessors in a fair, systematic, objective and reliable manner as they demonstrate skills and behaviours required for success within the organisation. The process culminates in a written report outlining development needs and individual feedback / coaching sessions.”

To learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals, contact us now